The Photography program recognizes the importance of collaboration, partnerships, and building bridges.

Current Partnerships

  • Since 2014, we have worked collaboratively with Aperture Foundation to enrich the Photography curriculum at 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 with Aperture Foundation programming. We host Aperture artist workshops and lectures twice annually at our campus in Baltimore. Members of Aperture's staff share about their roles and we have done many site visits to their offices to learn about the editorial and production processes.  Our supporters SB Cooper and RL Besson generously underwrite the collaboration.
  • We collaborate annually with the Fiber Program on the MME fashion show. Our photo students work in teams, assuming professional roles, to document the work of the student designers. The results are published annually in a print catalog. 

Recent Partnerships

  • We recently hosted the Picturing Plurality Society for Photographic Education conference for the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions. We previously hosted the National SPE conference Collaborative Exchanges: Photography in Dialogue chaired by faculty member Nate Larson. This brought nearly 1,400 photographers, educators, and students to Baltimore to share ideas and present new work. 
  • We have partnered with the Goldseker Foundation to document the important social impact of the community organizations that they support. Students were funded with a Goldseker Foundation grant in the production of this project. 
  • We have partnered with the Youth Rising Coalition, an ambitious group of 14 to 24-year-old entrepreneurs and youth with a firm belief in creating self-employment opportunities in Baltimore. We have documented their events, as well as the products created by the youth entrepreneurs. This was supported by Sheri Parks in Strategic Initiatives and members of the Photography program. 
  • We have partnered with Commodore John Rogers, a Baltimore City Public School serving grades PreK through 8. Our faculty have worked as youth mentors, volunteering their time to help young artists realize the possibilities of the photographic image. 

Interested in Exploring Ideas?

  • We are open to exploring additional community and organizational collaborations - please reach out to begin a conversation.