Jackie Ross is an award winning artist and animator from Baltimore. She has created several personal films, which have won numerous awards. These screenings include Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Sinking Creek Film Festival, Chicago International Film Festival, Utah Short Film Festival, the Henri Langlois International Film Festival and the Barn-och Ungdomsfilmfestivalen in Sweden. The awards given include a CINE Eagle, Bronze plaques from the Columbus International Film Festival, Prize of the President from the Hiroshima International Amateur Film Festival, First Prize at the Hopes and Dreams Film Festival, Silver Prize at the Empire State Exhibitions International Film Festival, and Honorable Mention at the Atlanta International Film Festival.   

Jackie has worked for MicroProse Software, Klasky-Csupo, Duck Soup Produckions, Playhouse Pictures, and Palomar Pictures. She was Lead Artist for Sesame Workshop in their Interactive Division creating box and online games. In 2013 she and her husband, Eliezer Medina, released an app “Puma Punku Totems” for iphones & ipads. Jackie illustrated ,”Nana and the Banana” written by Brad Burgunder as well as “Modern Jewish Mom’s Guide to Shabbat” written by Meredith L. Jacobs. Swas an artist for the “Video Game Wizards – Transforming Science and Art Into Games” exhibit currently at the Baltimore Museum of Industry through 2019 and a permanent installation at Chizuk Amuno Wagner Brill Playground. She works at PariMax and teaches animation at 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网.