November 2024
Calendar of events:
November 13th – World Kindness Day: Spread Kindness Like Confetti! |
More events will be posted as we progress through the fall semester.
November 13th – World Kindness Day: Spread Kindness Like Confetti! |
More events will be posted as we progress through the fall semester.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger of hurting themselves or others, has thoughts of suicide, has been a victim of violence or sexual assault, or is hearing voices or seeing things that others do not see, do not wait:
? Dial 911 and request immediate assistance.
? 24/7 MyCareWell@澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 help line: 1-866-443-0538
? If you or someone you know lives on campus, you may call Campus Safety on its 24 hour emergency line at 443-423-3333 for further assistance.