Hurwitz Center

Presentations at National Conferences

MAAE alumni selected by peer-review to present at National Art Education Association conferences


Courtney Bryant ('09). Teacher Leader by Design: Reimagine Anything Using the Design Process. 
Vanessa Lopez ('07). Baltimore Uprising: Engaging with Race, Privilege, and Equity. 
September Buys ('04). Foster Dynamic Student Leaders Through NAHS & NJHAS Programs, NAHS and JNAHS chapters.
Rebecca Belleville ('12). Secondary Design Education with Poverty in Mind Karen Carroll (Dean, Center for Art Education).
Elizabeth Stuart ('02). Conversation with Colleagues: Supervision and Administration.
September Buys ('04). Middle Level Conversations With Colleagues.
Nan Park ('16). Seeking an Art Teaching Job? Learn How to Make Your Professional Portfolio Unforgettable.
Andrew Watson ('14). STEAM Innovation: Teaching Science through Art with the National Portrait Gallery Briana White.
Christina Hanawalt ('03). Supporting New Art Teachers toward Agency, Awareness and Curricular Possibilities. 
Elizabeth Stuart ('02). Our Toolbox, Your Tools: Using a Model for Systemic Growth in the Arts.
September Buys ('04). NAEA Middle Level Medley I: Arts integration. 
Joele Michaud ('05). Ethnic Diversity and the Value of ‘Brown and Beige' in Masterwork Exemplars 
September Buys ('04). NAEA Middle Level Medley II: Best Practices. 
Andrew Watson ('14). Donna Sinclair ('06). Design Thinking: Dismantling the Assembly Line Model of Education.
September Buys ('04). NAEA Middle Level Medley III: The Big Picture.
Jescia Hopper ('15). Meta-Tutorial: A Tutorial for Creating Tutorials.
Linda Whelihan ('12). Art Speaks: Creative Puppetry and the Museum Collection.
Sul Lee Lee ('15). Be a Leader of Your Artmaking! 
Danielle Dravenstadt ('15). Leaders Emerge in a Student-Centered Found Object Assemblage Unit. 
September Buys ('04). NAEA Middle Level Awardee Showcase.
Amber Ward ('10). Leading Empathetically: A Dialogue on the Feminist Methodology of Vulnerability.
Amber Ward ('10). Leading the Future of Art Education by Exploring and Visualizing the Past.


Rebecca Belleville ('12). Professional Designers on Designing a 6-12 Specialized Curriculum in Design.
Courtney Bryant ('09). 3-D Printing for Under $500: Preparing Your Young Designers!
Rebecca Belleville ('12): Assessment Swap!
Clare Grizzard ('05): How Arts Integration Improves Memory for Science Content.
September Buys ('04): Middle Level Division Awards: Celebrating and Connecting.
Christina Hanawalt ('03):Projects of the Past: Places of a Mid- Century Art Educator.
Courtney Bryant ('09): From Awfully Boring Schoolyard to Awe- Inspiring TinkerYard. 
Lauren Cook ('07): Addressing Personal Voice in the Design Process: K-12 Classroom 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网s.
Vanessa Lopez ('07). Beyond the Elements and Principles: Making Meaning and the NCCAS.
September Buys ('04). Conversations With Colleagues. 
Andrew Watson ('14). STEAM-Powered Schools.
September Buys ('04). Middle Level Medley Two.
Mary Wolf ('02). A K-16 Urban Arts Collaborative Professional Development Design That Works!
Sharon Johnson (Faculty, MAAE), Laura Emberson ('12). The Visionary Artist: Inspiring Magical Narratives in Elementary Art Class.
Joele Michaud ('05). African American and Subculture Art as Catalysts for Enduring Understanding.
Nicholas Wozniak ('10). Environmental Superheroes: Creating Storybooks That Address Issues of Sustainability. 
Elizabeth Stuart ('02). Professional Teaching Dispositions and the Use of Assessment Tools .
Rebecca Belleville ('12). ART21 Educators: Collaboration and Contemporary Art Education. 
Joele Michaud ('05). Multi-Ethnic Art and Artists Your Urban Students Would Love Learning About!
Laura Lynn Emberson ('12). Create a Creative Classroom Environment. 
Andrew Watson ('14). Tired of "Tell Me What to Do"?
Jacqueline Iannuzzi ('14). Awakening Student Ownership: Designing a Student-Centered Art Room.
Alyssa Crane ('13). Building Trust and Creating Community: First-Year Reflections. 
Jamia Weir ('14). City Kids Need Nature: Eco-Art Education Interdisciplinary Design Models.


Amanda Hagerman Jennifer Kloth ('09). Enhancing Rigor and Artistic Thinking in your Foundations of Art Curriculum. 
Rebecca Belleville ('12). Making Contemporary Art Accessible: Blogging, Art and the Classroom.
Chapin Shearer ('12). Middle School Art Students You Just Can t Reach? An Eighth-Grade Classroom Research Study Investigates Solutions.
Elizabeth Stuart ('02), Jennifer Klein. NAEA New Book Talk: Using Art to Teach Reading Comprehension Strategies.
John Kildahl (‘12). Developing Independent Studio Thinking in an Honors Photography Class.
Amber Ward (‘09). Caoimhghin s Village: A Community Arts Project.


Mark Halcott ('11). Making Transitions from a Formalist-Based High School Art Curriculum. 
Lauren Cook ('07) & Erica Strachan. Arts Infiltration! Better Visual Assessments in the General Classroom.
Jessica Kirker, Pamela Taylor, Camilla McComb, Mary Wolf ('02). SRAE Past-President Session: Exploring Teacher-Researcher Methodologies.
Morgan Nichols ('10). Exploratory Play Theory in Practice: Using Music and Movement to Trigger the Visual Response.
Elizabeth Stuart ('02), Jennifer Espinoza, Michelle Gately. Classroom Management 101: A Positive Approach. (Session 1)
Lauren Cook ('07), Tracey Goodrich, Glenn Whitman. Fusing Brain-Based Teaching, Training, and the Arts: A K-12 Case Study.
Debra Ambush, Vanessa Lopez ('07), Mary Lambert, Laura Nichols. Committee on Multiethnic Concerns Graduate Forum: Framing Cultural Specific Research Designs Paradigms, Possibilities, and Promise.
Zerric Clinton, Jeffrey Vinson, Jodie Pellish ('09), NaJuana Lee. Framing Cultural Specific Research Designs Paradigms, Possibilities, and Promise Series: Part Two.
Elizabeth Stuart ('02), Jennifer Espinoza, Michelle Gately. Classroom Management 101: A Positive Approach. (Session 2)
Nicholas Wozniak ('10). The Ice is Melting: Using Issue-Based Instruction to Engage Students in Artmaking.
Mary Wolf ('02), Michele Agosto, Michelle Schroeder, John Siskar. Professional Development for Art Teachers: Using Research and Practice to Learn What Works and What Doesn't.
Lizanne Stafford ('11). Visual Journals: Enhancing the Quality of AP Students' Drawing Portfolios.
Richard Kim ('11). Performance-Based Studio Pedagogy and Its Effects on Student Artmaking.


Beth Thomas, Amber Ward ('09), Richard Siegesmund, Allssandra Seelaus, Chris Grodoski, and Diana Jaquith: Developing Collaborative Research Across Division Boundaries: Examples from 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 and Strategies for New Partnerships Panel Presentation .
Vanessa Lopez ('07). Teaching as a Creative Act.
Tondalaya Crites ('10). What Can I Change Where I Am? A Cross-Cultural Photographic Exchange.
Sherri Fisher ('10). "I Don't Think I Care About Beauty, I Care About Interesting": Aesthetic Preferences in a High School Art Class.
Morgan Nichols ('10). Ink Blots and Story Plots: Effects of Exploratory Play on the Artmaking of Middle School Students.
Justin Pierce ('10). Discovering Multiple Possibilities for Making and Responding to Art in a High School Art Class.
Nicholas Wozniak III ('10). The Fifty-Pound Papier Mache Bear: Investigating Issue-Based Curriculum in an Elementary Art Class.


Sharon Johnson, Beth Thomas, Stacey McKenna, & Sheena McGeehan ('09). Shaping Art Educators' Development as Artists and Researchers in a Low-Residency Master's Program. 
Lauren Selig ('07). Exploring Identity and Transforming Community: Reflections on an Urban School's Social Justice Mission.
Amber Ward ('09). Fantasy Facebook: Communicating Self-Identity to Friends.
Linda Newton ('01). Culturally Responsive Teaching Through Visual Art.
Mary Wolf ('02). Contemplations on Knowing: An Exploration of Artful Reflection in the College Classroom.
Courtney Bryant ('09), with Enid Zimmerman. Practical Resources for Reconsidering Creativity in Middle Level Art Classrooms.
Elizabeth (Moffett) Stuart ('01). The Dos and Don'ts of Writing a Curriculum: One System's Approach to Standards-Based Art.
Ronald Chacon ('09). Possibility is More Possible through Mentorship: A Case Study of Positive Youth Development.
Jennifer Sonkin ('07) w/Katie Douglas. When Pigs Fly: Empowering Students Who Struggle in the Classroom.
Vanessa Lopez ('07), Mary Hafeli, Jo-Anna Moore, Flavia Bastos, Teaching Art in Urban Contexts: Issues, Practices, Possibilities.
Katherine Neale ('09). Exploring Fear in the Older Elementary Art Room.
Elizabeth (Moffett) Stuart ('01). It's Not Just Dinosaurs Anymore... Creating a Web-Based, Kindergarten Integrated Curriculum.
Elizabeth (Moffett) Stuart ('01). Teaching Art to Students with Special Needs: Ideas, Resources, and Best Practices.
Nadra Haffar ('08). ArtsBridge America, Higher Ed linking to Public Schools Successfully.
Lauren Cook ('07) & Dresden Koons. Critical Literacy and Visual Culture: A High School English Classroom Collaboration.
Sheena McGeehan ('09). Tech Deck Dudes and WebKinz: Using Collections in an Art Classroom.
Amber Ward ('09) & Jodie Pelish ('09). The How and Why of Conducting Research in Every Art Education Context, w/ Rosie Riordan, Lindsey Smith, Diane Jaquith, Kelly Campbell-Busby, Beth Thomas, Jay Tucker, Melinda Mayer, Melody Milbrandt.
Jodie Pellish ('09). An Environment for Cultural Listening: Tapping Into Stories of Identity in an Elementary Art Room.
Jennifer Sonkin ('07). New Orleans and Back: A Community Action Project for D.C. Urban High School Students.
Courtney Bryant (‘09). Technical Difficulties? The Remix of Creativity and Computers.
Nadra Haffar ('08). Side-by-Side, Integrated, Interdisciplinary: Beverly Taylor Sorensen Arts Learning Program.


Erica Hansen ('08). Environmental Vernacular: A Conversion on Place-Based and Interdisciplinary Art Making. 
Vanessa Lopez ('07). "Art Lives at Roland Park School": Reflections of an Arts Integration Educator
Clare O'Malley Grizzard ('06). Following the Artwork Home. What happens when your students take their artwork home? 
Lynn Short (‘08). "Everyone Tells Me to be Creative, But No One Tells Me How"
Lisa Covelli (‘08). A Lens to "Self" in Adolescence: Narrative Instruction used in Darkroom Photography. 
Hannah Staub ('08). Am I Done Yet? Influence of Formative Peer-Assessment Strategies on Middle School Students' Reflections on Quality. 
Melissa Sugar ('08). "I Got Your Back": An Autobiographical Study on Empathetic Teaching Connections Engaging Alternative Learners in Art. 
Kelly McBrien ('08). "Nature and I made this together": A Case Study of High School Students' Narrative Installations in the Natural Setting. 
Claudia Alp ('08). Examining perceptions about art and the purposes of art education by students, parents, and administrators in a middle school.


Linda Newton (‘02). Observational Drawing for the Elementary Child.
Mary Wolf (‘02). Working Class into Art Class.
Linda Newton (‘02). Observational Drawing: A Programmatic Approach K-12. 
Lauren Cook (‘07). The High School Artist-Teacher's Instructional Practice and Its Impact on Student Learning.
Lauren Selig (‘07). What Catches the Eye: The Aesthetics of Style and Adolescents' Responses to Visual Culture.
Vanessa Lopez (‘07). Where Teachers Know How to Say My Name: Representation of Cultural Identity.
Rebecca Sokol Levine (‘07). A Closer Look: Middle School Student Engagement in Art Making.
James Hesser (‘07). The Art of Constructing Learning in a High School Art Class.
Anne Garton (‘07). All About the Teacher: Art Teacher 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网s with Holistic Art Instruction.
Joele Michaud (‘05). African American Family Art Connections: Art Messages and Heritage among Urban Blacks at Home.
Joele Michaud (‘05). African American Art and Narrative Response: Jacob Lawrence as Catalyst for Illustrated Stories.
Jennifer Sonkin (‘07). Sometimes It Fells Like Nobody Is Listening: A Study of Art Students with Learning Differences.
Jesse Wyss (‘07). Sponge Bob, Tinkerbelle, & Adidas: Using Visual Culture Archives as a Source for Representing Adolescent Identity.
Jesse Wyss (‘07), James Hesser (‘07), Jennifer Sonkin (‘07), Vanessa Lopez (‘07). Panel Presentation: Research in Urban Classrooms.
Donna Sinclair (‘06). Utilizing Sketchbook Prompts To Influence Adolescent Artistic Expression.


Nancy Draina ('05). Art and Empathy and MAEA Research. 
Amy Huntoon ('05). Creative Thinking and PhotoShop.
Claire Gizzard (‘05). Taking the Art Work Home.
Sarah Scoville ('05). Multi-Disciplinary School Gallery and Fabric Photo.
Elizabeth Moffett ('02). Artist/Author/Illustrators.
Joele Michaud ('05). Black Families and Art Talk.
September Buys ('05). Middle School Art Instruction.
Mary Wolf ('02). Social Class and Art and Collaboration Across the Curriculum.


September Buys ('04). Wow, It's Quiet in Here: Engaging the Middle School Student. 
Cara Deffenbaugh ('04). Artist/Art Educator: Making Sense of Identity Issue.
Nancy Draina ('05). Art with a Social Conscious and Mindful Matters - Inkwash in the Chinese Tradition.
Michelle Mautawalli ('02). Making Books with a Diverse Population.
Tiffany Mills ('04). Spiritual Themes in Adolescent Art.
Elizabeth Moffett ('02). Reading Strategies in Art Part II.
Janet Nickle ('04). From Cartoons to Rap Stars: Themes Beyond the Artroom.
Cathy Jo Opfer ('04). Looking through the Lens: Adolescents' Photographic Images.
Beth Shuler ('04). Drawing Together: Cooperative Learning Strategies.


Alicia Bell ('03). A Paintbrush in a Hospital? 
Christina Hanawalt ('03). Self Discovery through Written Reflections on Artworks.
Kevin Maxwell ('03). Navajo Students Important Pictures.
Elizabeth Moffett ('02). Teaching Reading Strategies through Art.
Amanda Morningstar ('03). What's Your Problem? Reflecting on the Preadolescent Creative Process.
Wendy Parker-Dial ('03). Arts Purpose: What Do "They" Think?


Linda Newton ('02). Narrative of the Novice Elementary Art Teacher. 
Sydney Podraza ('02). Can Developmental Drawing Level Change?