
Merrell Hambleton '15

Founder, Midway Neighborhood Cooperative (MNC)

Merrell Hambleton earned her BA in History from Columbia University. Following graduation, she worked at Creative Time, a New York-based nonprofit that produces public art projects. At Creative Time, she worked on fundraising, writing and editing in support of major public art projects tied to social justice issues, including Immigrant Movement International (2011) and Living as Form (2011).

After Creative Time, Merrell worked as a studio manager and producer for Steve Powers, a New York-based artist whose work is frequently commissioned for public spaces. With Powers, she has worked on several public and private commissions, including an upcoming public project in Baltimore, and assisted with his recent book, Love Letter to the City—a history of Powers' public art work.

Merrell is interested in the politics of place, place-making and how individuals create a sense of home in urban spaces. While at 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网, she is interested in exploring the ways that art and design can impact and shape these issues.
