From ideas to action.

From activating Baltimore City homeowners to install and maintain rain gardens for the benefit of wildlife, water, and community; to working to increase HIV testing among foreign-born Latino males in Baltimore City; to exposing Baltimore City youth to design and media literacy through first-hand experiences and relationship building, 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网's Center for Social Design is leading change through human-centered design.

Take a look at some of our recent projects below.

How might we create a safer Baltimore for pedestrians and bicyclists?

Partner: Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)— Highway Safety Office

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How might we create a closed feedback loop to better support ED physician decision-making?

Partner: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Center for Data Science in Emergency Medicine (CDEM)

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How might we support Baltimore women in designing their family planning strategy?

Partner: Baltimore City Health Department Bureau of Maternal and Child Health

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How might we increase access to STI testing and normalize testing for Baltimore youth aged 15-24?

Partner: Baltimore City Health Department and the Johns Hopkins Center for Child and Community Health Research

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How might we promote a supportive culture that prioritizes the autonomy and goals of seniors?

Partner: Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

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How might we re-imagine pediatric asthma care in Baltimore?

Partner: Johns Hopkins Children's Center Pediatric Pulmonary Asthma Clinic

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How might we empower Baltimore families to create smoke-free homes?

Partner: Baltimore City Health Department’s Tobacco Free Baltimore initiative

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How might we prepare for emergencies by activating more volunteers?

Partner: Maryland Responds

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