Falls from portable ladders (step, straight, combination and extension) are one of the
leading causes of occupational fatalities and injuries.
Portable ladders are used at Maryland Institute College of Art in a wide variety of settings, both academic and administrative. Misuse of portable ladders can result in serious injuries. Portable ladders must be maintained in good condition at all times, and inspected at regular, frequent intervals. Any individual utilizing a ladder on 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网's premises outside of the classroom/shop setting must obtain authorization and training/certification from the office of EHS prior to use. To schedule training or for inquiries, please contact the office of EHS @ 443-819-6421 or email EHS@mica.edu.
Ladder safety tips 
- Read and follow all labels/markings on the ladder.
- Avoid electrical hazards! Look for overhead power lines before handling a ladder. Avoid using a metal ladder near power lines or exposed energized electrical equipment.
- Always inspect the ladder prior to using it. If the ladder is damaged, it must be removed from service and tagged until it is repaired or discarded.
- Do not use a self-supporting ladder (e.g., step ladder) as a single ladder or in a partially closed position.
- Do not use the top step/rung of a ladder as a step/rung unless it was designed for that purpose.
- Always maintain a 3-point contact (two hands and a foot, or two feet and a hand) on the ladder when climbing. Keep your body near the middle of the step and always face the ladder while climbing.
- Only use ladders and appropriate accessories (ladder levelers, jacks or hooks) for their designed purposes.
- Ladders must be free of any slippery material on the rungs, steps or feet.
- Only use a ladder on a stable and level surface, unless it has been secured (top or bottom) to prevent displacement.
- Do not place a ladder on boxes, barrels, or other unstable bases to obtain additional height.
- Do not move or shift a ladder while a person or equipment is on the ladder.
- An extension or straight ladder used to access an elevated surface must extend at least 3 feet above the point of support. Do not stand on the top three rungs of a straight, single, or extension ladder.
- The proper angle for setting up a ladder is to place its base a quarter of the working length of the ladder from the wall or other vertical surface.
- A ladder placed in any location where it can be displaced by other work activities must be secured to prevent displacement or a barricade must be erected to keep traffic away from the ladder.
- Be sure that all locks on an extension ladder are properly engaged.
- Do not exceed the maximum load rating of a ladder. Be aware of the ladder’s load rating and of the weight it is supporting, including the weight of any tools or equipment.