Emergency Procedures

Medical Emergencies/Injuries/Illness

In the event of a medical emergency:

  • Call 911 and Call Campus Safety 24 hour Dispatch 443-423-3333.

During a life threatening/injury (e.g. cardiac or respiratory arrest, loss of consciousness, asthma, etc.):

  • Call 911 and then Campus Safety and give them the following:
    -Number of injured/ill and condition. 
    -Your name, location, and phone number.
    -Any care being given to the victims.
    -Care for the victim(s) to the level of your training. If you are not trained, stay with the victim(s) until help arrives.
    -Contact Campus Safety (443-423-3333) if they have not already arrived on the scene.
    -Stay on line until EMS hangs up. Remain at the scene until victim(s) have been transported and you have answered all questions from EMS regarding the victim(s).

Alcohol Intoxication/Poisoning

  • Alcohol poisoning can be fatal. Do not allow someone who has drank too much to “sleep it off.
  • Stay beside the person and call Campus Safety at 443-423-3333 or 911 (9-911 from campus phones) immediately if the person:
    -Cannot be roused.
    -Is incoherent and is vomiting.
    -Breathes shallowly.
    -Has cold, clammy skin.
    -Looks bluish or pale.
    -Has taken other drugs with alcohol.
    -Has a head injury.

Cardiac Arrest
Automatic External Defibrillators are located in the following buildings/locations:

  • Student Health Clinic
  • 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Fitness Center
  • Bunting Center, near Postal and Print, and directly behind the Campus Safety desk
  • Fox Building, directly behind the Campus Safety desk

Work Related Injuries/Illness

  • Seek medical attention as required.
  • Notify Campus Safety, who will provide necessary documentation to the EHS office, and Human Resources for Workers' Compensation.
  • Report the injury/illness to your supervisor and Campus Safety. Human Resources track all employee first-aid injuries.
  • If you require immediate medical attention:
    -Call 911 for life threatening injuries (loss of conscience, loss of large amounts of blood, slurred speech, etc.)
    -Contact Campus Safety (443-423-3333). Campus Safety will assist with transport to Health services on campus or to a hospital, as needed, for non-life threatening injuries.
    -Be cautious of blood-borne pathogens.