VEHICLE ACCIDENT: Case Number 2022-297
Reported: 9/30/22 12:21 AM Occurred: 9/29/22 Unknown Time Disposition: Under Investigation
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Shuttle involved in minor vehicle accident on the 1100 block of St. Paul street.
ASSAULT AND ROBBERY: Case Number 2022-294
Reported: 9/27/22 6:05 PM Occurred: 9/27/22 6:00 PM to 6:05 PM Disposition: Under Investigation
Non-Mica affiliate reports being robbed at gunpoint of their vehicle and phone in the 100 block of West Lafayette avenue.
ARMED ROBBERY: Case Number 2022-283
Reported: 9/22/22 9:05 PM Occurred: 9/22/22 8:50 PM to 9:00 PM Disposition: Under Investigation
Off campus armed car jacking of a 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student in the 100 Block of Wilson Avenue.
CDS VIOLATION: Case Number 2022-280
Reported: 9/22/22 2:56 AM Occurred: 9/22/22 2:50 AM to 3:15 AM Disposition: Under Investigation
CDS recovered from a dormitory Founders Green
SICK CASE: Case Number 2022-273
Reported: 9/20/22 12:57 PM Occurred: 9/20/22 12:55 PM to 12:57 PM Disposition: Under Investigation
Staff member reports inappropriate behavior by 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student at the Bunting
SICK CASE: Case Number 2022-270
Reported: 9/20/22 11:27 AM Occurred: 9/20/22 11:25 AM to 11:27 AM Disposition: Under Investigation
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student reports being assaulted on the 1800 block of Marylad avenue
SICK CASE: Case Number 2022-269
Reported: 9/20/22 12:30 AM Occurred: 9/20/22 12:15 AM to 12:25 AM Disposition: Under Investigation
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student reports feeling ill after taking medication at Leake Hall
FOUND CONTRBAND: Case Number 2022-268
Reported: 9/19/22 11:57 PM Occurred: 9/19/22 10:15 PM to 10:50 PM Disposition: Under Investigation
9mm shell casing found at the Mount Royal Station
Reported: 9/17/22 10:00 PM Occurred: 9/17/22 10:00 PM t0 10:30 PM Disposition: Unfounded
Campus Safety investigated possible CDS Odor in the Gateway
ASSAULT: Case Number 2022-266
Reported: 9/17/22 08:00 PM Occurred: 9/17/22 07:30 PM to 07:33 PM Disposition: Under Investigation
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student reports being aggressively handled outside of the Gateway
SICK CASE: Case Number 2022-260
Reported: 9/15/22 06:04 PM Occurred: 9/15/22 06:04 PM to 9/15/22 06:10 PM Disposition: Cleared
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Staff member reports having an allergic reaction at the Meyerhoff
HARASSMENT: Case Number 2022-255
Reported: 9/12/22 12:30 PM Occurred: N/A Disposition: Under Investigation
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student report being harassed by another student at Founders Green.
HARASSMENT: Case Number 2022-254
Reported: 9/12/22 12:15 PM Occurred: 9/5/22 0700 AM to 9/12/22 12:00 PM Disposition: Under Investigation
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student report being harassed by another student off campus.
HARASSMENT: Case Number 2022-252
Reported: 9/10/22 8:23 AM Occurred: 9/5/22 01:15 AM to 01:23 AM Disposition: Under Investigation
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student report being harassed by another student at Founders Green.
HARASSMENT/THREATS: Case Number 2022-250
Reported: 9/6/22 11:20 PM Occurred: 9/2/22 08:00 AM to 9/3/22 11:59 PM Disposition: Under Investigation
Report of someone being threatened at Founder's Green
HARASSMENT: Case Number 2022-246
Reported: 9/5/22 8:23 AM Occurred: 9/5/22 01:15 AM to 01:23 AM Disposition: Cleared
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student reports being harassed while walking to the Meyerhoff
FOUND PROPERTY: Case Number #2022-244
Reported: 9/3/22 10:50 PM Occurred: 9/3/22 Disposition: Cleared
Hand saw recovered outside of the Brown center.
HARASSMENT: Case #2022-243
Reported: 9/3/22 10:05 PM Occurred: 9/3/22 8:54 PM to 9:05 PM Disposition: Cleared
澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student reports being harassed by a staff member at Leake Hall.
Reported: 9/2/22 7:06 PM Occurred: 9/2/22 7:04 PM to 7:30 PM Disposition: Cleared
Vehicle accident involving 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Shuttle reported off campus.
Reported: 9/1/22 12:50 AM Occurred: 9/1/22 12:45 Am to 12:48 AM Disposition: Cleared
Report of loud noise at the Gateway.