Campus Safety Crime Log

January Incidents 2023


Welfare Check: Case Number 2023-016

Reported: 01/20/23 06:30 PM     Occurred:  01/20/2023 06:30 PM and 01/20/2023 08:50 PM    Disposition: Cleared

A parent requested the welfare check of a 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Student living in Founders Green after not hearing from them in several days.

Trespassing: Case Number 2023-015

Reported: 01/20/23 04:30 PM     Occurred:  01/20/2023 04:30 PM and 01/20/2023 04:50 PM    Disposition: Cleared

A building services contractor is believed to be under the influence and had innapropriate conversation with 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Students.



Trespassing: Case Number 2023-013

Reported: 01/20/23 03:47 PM     Occurred:  01/20/2023 03:47 PM and 01/20/2023 04:12 PM    Disposition: Cleared

Someone is seen unlawfully entering the Station building via the rear entrance and removed.