As 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s chief academic officer, Stacey Salazar serves as the educational and administrative leader for the academic program, advancing the institution’s core values and ensuring the continued vitality of its academic mission.

Salazar's scholarship in post-secondary and secondary art-and-design education has been published in Studies in Art Education, Visual Arts Research, and Art Education, among other journals. Her work has been recognized with the National Art Education Association’s Manuel Barkan Award for excellence in research. Her single-authored book, A Guide to Teaching Art at the College Level (Teachers College Press, 2021), has been adopted as a primary text for graduate seminars and faculty workshops across the United States. In recognition of her contributions to the field, Salazar has been named Maryland Higher Education Art Educator of the Year and has received the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Trustee Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching as well as the Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award for Visual Art: Works on Paper.

Since joining 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s full-time faculty in 2007 as a professor of art education and coordinator of the Graduate Teaching Internship program, Salazar has served as director of the Master of Arts in Art Education low-residency program, associate dean for curriculum & assessment, and vice provost of graduate studies. Beyond 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网, she has taught at a liberal arts college, a community college, public and private universities, as well as in high schools and cultural organizations.

Salazar holds a doctorate in art education from Columbia University Teachers College, as well as an undergraduate degree in arts management, and MFA and MAT degrees. She currently serves as co-editor of Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, an international journal.