PreCollege Welcome Kit

Rules and Responsibilities

The following rules, responsibilities and social contract is for reference only. All families will receive an official Docusign agreement that must be signed and returned by May 30, 2024 in order for students to participate. This agreement will outline all program rules and regulations, including those related to COVID-19, and is part of a single document that combines the Social Agreement and Rules and Responsibilities. 

This document is sent to the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 email associated with each student. To access 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 email:  Go to > Login with your 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 email and password > Email: (username), Password: created during account activation. 

    澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s PreCollege Art and Design Residency Program provides a welcoming environment for all students through an inclusive community that values students of all races and ethnicities, sexual orientations and expressions, creative abilities, religious faiths, political affiliations, and socio-economic backgrounds. A community such as ours depends on the good judgment and considerate behavior of its members. All students are expected to maintain high standards of personal conduct, to show respect for personal and College property and for the rights of their fellow students, faculty, and staff. Generally, behavior that reflects good intentions, mature judgment, and respect for the rights of other people will meet the expectations of the PreCollege Program. Behavior that threatens or endangers your safety or well-being, or that of other members of the community, or that causes damage to property, will be subject to disciplinary action. Students living in PreCollege housing have both Rights & Responsibilities. The primary goal for the stated rights and responsibilities is to ensure student safety during the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 PreCollege program. All program activities are designed according to laws that apply to minors. The following are standards of conduct expected from all participants in the summer program. Violations of these standards will result in sanctions, which range from warning to probation to dismissal from the program. Parents will be notified by telephone for any violation of these Rules and Responsibilities by their student.

You have the right to:
- Pursue your artistic studies in an environment free from undue interference or disturbance from others living in the community
- Be housed based on the gender you identify as 
- Your personal belongings
- Free access to your apartment and room
- A clean environment in which to live
- Have an impartial and fair judicial process
- Sleep

You have the responsibility to:
- Uphold 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s inclusive community values
- Follow all health and safety protocols in place
- Attend all classes, workshops, visiting artists’ presentations, and field trips; class attendance is mandatory, and tardiness will not be accepted
- Abide by Federal and State laws and the College’s policies and expectations
- Voice your objections when others infringe upon your rights
- Work with staff and other residents to establish norms and standards for living together
- Listen and abide by the directions and instructions given by pre-college faculty and staff


  1. Alcohol:
    Maryland State law is enforced campus-wide and in all College apartments. This means that students who are under legal drinking age, 21 years of age, may not possess, serve, or consume alcohol in their apartments or anywhere else on- or off-campus. Violation of this policy will result in the student’s immediate dismissal from the PreCollege Program.
  2. Drugs:
    The use, possession, distribution, or sale of drugs or other mind-altering substances is expressly prohibited by College policy, as well as Federal, state, and local laws. Possession and/or use of illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia by students will result in immediate expulsion from the PreCollege program, and may result in referral to authorities for prosecution. The misuse, distribution, or sale of prescription and/or over the counter drugs will also result in dismissal from the program.
  3. Tobacco/E-Cigarettes/Vaping:
    In the state of Maryland, all mentioned forms of smoking are illegal for anyone under the age of 18. For the purposes of this program, participants who are 18 or older are permitted to smoke outdoors only and must comply with campus smoking policy. Smoking is prohibited in the residence halls, and within 20 feet of any campus building. Do not walk through any indoor campus space with a lit cigarette. 
  4. Harassment:
    Any behavior that threatens or endangers the well-being of one's self or others, including physical or verbal harassment or intimidation, is strictly prohibited and will result in automatic dismissal from the program.
  5. Harmful Activity:
    Anyone who inflicts harm on themselves or others in any manner will result in automatic dismissal from the program.
  6. Sexual Activity:
    Students engaging in any sexual activity will result in automatic dismissal from the program.
  7. Property:
    The willful destruction of any property is grounds for automatic dismissal from the program.
  8. Behavior:
    Students who demonstrate a total disregard for the instructions or directions of program staff or instructors will result in automatic dismissal from the program.
  9. Health:
    All participants are expected to be able to take care of themselves and show minimal competencies, such as taking medication in a safe and appropriate way without assistance from staff. All students are expected to follow all current Campus health and safety guidelines.
  10. Hours:
    Students must abide by the posted hours of the program. There is a curfew, and students may not leave the scheduled program events without approved permission from their parents and the program coordinators.
  11. Guests:
    No overnight guests are allowed during the program. Any visitor must have prior approval of the student’s parents/guardians and the program coordinators.
  12. Apartment Access:
    Students are not allowed to enter apartments belonging to undergraduate or graduate students who are not members of the PreCollege Program.  No one may stay overnight in another apartment.
  13. Fire Safety:
    Tampering with, disconnecting or obstructing fire alarm bells, smoke detectors or other fire equipment is prohibited. Students must evacuate the apartments when a fire alarm sounds. Fire doors cannot be used to enter or exit buildings and should not be opened except in an emergency.
  14. Weapons/Explosives/Fireworks:
    The possession, maintenance, or use of firearms, weapons, explosives of any nature or description (e.g. fireworks, any other device of explosive nature, bows and arrows, crossbows, blow and dart guns, sling shots, bb-guns, pellet guns, guns, ammunition, swords, and knives other than pallet knives typically used in artwork), or anything used as a weapon to inflict harm is prohibited on campus and in or about the campus housing. Violation of this policy will result in the student’s immediate dismissal from the PreCollege Program.
  15. Damage:
    Damage to a student's apartment beyond normal wear and tear will be billed to the responsible student. Costs for anonymous damages will be shared among the students responsible for the damaged space. No painting or drawing on apartment walls, floors, ceilings and residence hall fixtures is tolerated, including homosote walls. Bring a plastic tarp to cover the floors when working in your apartment or outside in any community spaces.
  16. Keys:
    Students are required to return the key to their apartment. Fines for keys that are not returned before departure will be billed to the student after the program is finished. An estimated charge of $200 is expected for any keys not returned upon departure. 
  17. Audio/Visual Equipment:
    Students and parents must sign an agreement before a student is allowed to borrow any audio/visual equipment from 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网. Students will be billed for the replacement cost of any damaged or unreturned equipment.
  18. Loss:
    The Maryland Institute College of Art accepts no responsibility for items which are lost, stolen, or damaged.
  19. Transportation:
    Resident Students who bring their cars for transportation purposes at the program start and end will not have the use of their vehicles during the program, and may incur costs for parking passes during the program.
  20. College’s Right of Room and Apartment Entry and Search:
    The College reserves the right to enter rooms or apartments when, in its discretion, the College determines that there may have been a breach of terms listed within the PreCollege Student Handbook or other program publications. The College reserves the right to enter and search a resident’s room or apartment without notice when the College deems it necessary to protect the safety of the resident or other occupants, for investigation and resolution of policy violations, addressing disruptive behavior, to provide emergency service, or conduct safety inspections. Additionally, representatives of the College may enter a resident’s room or apartment (during reasonable hours) when necessary to provide inspection, service, repairs, improvements, or maintenance. Any use, possession, or distribution of illicit drugs is a violation of the pre-college program guidelines. The College reserves the right to search a room or apartment without notice when there is sufficient reason to believe, as determined by the College that a violation of College regulations or policy, or violations of state, Federal, or local law is occurring or has occurred. During such a search, a reasonable effort will be made to have the resident present at the time of the search. The College reserves the right to remove College or personal property from a room or apartment. If during the time a staff member is in an apartment for any reason, he or she sees illegal or dangerous items in plain view, the items will be confiscated and disciplinary procedures will be implemented. By attending the PreCollege program, the student consents to having his/her room or apartment entered and searched in accordance with the terms and conditions of this policy. The student expressly agrees and acknowledges that his or her registration in the pre-college program authorizes the College to enter his or her room or apartment without the student’s prior consent.
  21.  Student Release Form:
    When an individual must leave the program for any length of time, parents must complete a release form with the date, times and purpose of the program departure at least 24 hours prior to the departure via Google Forms. Only adults age 25 or older may be sign a student out. Release forms may not be used to excuse students from academic responsibilities, including class, studio time, and academic field trips. Release forms must be approved by the Program Coordinator in advance of departure, and a parent or guardian must sign out the student in person to complete transfer of care. 
  22. Other Institute Policies:
    The PreCollege Program is an intensive college-level experience designed to help participants make the leap from thinking like a high school art and design student to thinking like an artist—making work that reflects a new level of skill and personal vision, learning new perspectives through daily critiques and building a strong portfolio of new work. All classes are college level, asking students to dedicate maximum time and effort to their coursework both in and out of class. Students and parents should be aware that some PreCollege classes use nude models. Study of the nude explores issues of form, structure, volume, movement, and composition. Additionally, some topics and art shown or discussed in PreCollege classes contain academically relevant adult themes.

    The College fully supports students’ right to artistic expression, however, students must comply with 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 policies in order to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for everyone. The 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 PreCollege program participants are minors and therefore the PreCollege program prohibits students creating works of art that include depictions of sexual conduct or nudity involving minors. The program also prohibits works of art that include depictions of violence, harm to self or others, or content that depicts discriminatory or biased behaviors or messages that lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. 

    The Maryland Institute College of Art reserves the right to hold students to generally accepted standards of behavior, in addition to all policies stated in the PreCollege Rules and Responsibilities and any other 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 publications given to students. 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 has the right to amend and supplement policy when necessary. 
  23. 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s Right to Reproduce Policy/ Photo Release:
    澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 reserves the right to reproduce without notification any artwork produced by students while attending 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s degree and open studies programs; this reproduction will be for non-commercial purposes only, and may include print publications, institutional websites, e-communications, multimedia presentations, and documents about the College for admission recruitment, fundraising, or institutional informational purposes. 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 reserves the right to reproduce without notification any photographs or videos of students while attending 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s degree and Open Studies programs; this reproduction will be for non-commercial purposes only, and may include print publications, institutional websites, e-communications, multimedia presentations, and documents about the College for admission recruitment, fundraising, or institutional informational purposes. 
  24. Refund and Withdrawal Policy:
    If a student drops before the start of the program, the program cost (not including the $250 non-refundable deposit) will be refunded.  After the start of the program, please submit a written request to including your full name, PreCollege program and any details pertaining to your drop from the program that can be reviewed for refund consideration.
  25. Inclement Weather Policy:
    In the event that the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 campus is closed due to inclement weather, please note refunds will not be issued for any weather related closures, including but not limited to snow, storms, and power outages.
  26. Statement of Equal Opportunity & Services to Disabled Students
    Maryland Institute College of Art is committed to its policy of providing equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran. This policy applies to all programs, facilities, and activities provided by Maryland Institute College of Art, including but not limited to admission, educational programs, and employment. 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 is committed to providing individuals with disabilities access and reasonable accommodation to all 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 programs, services, and activities. For information, or to request disability accommodations, please contact 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s Office of Accessibility and Disability Services (ADS), 410-225-2416,, or visit the ADS page for more information. 
  27. Same Sex or Gender Inclusive Housing:
    At the time of applying to the PreCollege program, applicants selected their preference for housing, with parental/guardian approval. Same-sex housing places students within apartments based on the sex listed in their application (M, F). Students who select Gender Inclusive housing have the option of being housed with apartment mates of any gender identity or gender expression. There are some students for whom traditional, same-sex room assignments are not ideal or appropriate, and 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 believes it is important that housing policies evolve to meet the needs of students to create an inclusive, diverse, and safe environment. Gender inclusive housing provides options for a variety of students that includes but is not limited to: students that feel uncomfortable rooming with members of the same sex, transgender students in the process of discovering their gender identity, students who feel they would be more compatible with a roommate of a different sex or gender, and students who do not want sex or gender to be a primary factor in choosing an apartment-mate. 


On-Campus Operational Mode 5 Modified  Social Agreement - Minors

澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s Social Agreement outlines the commitments that each of us in the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 community must make to do what we can to protect ourselves and the community’s health. Everyone must do their part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the influenza (flu), and other infectious diseases, understanding that while the aim is to reduce harm, we cannot eliminate the risk altogether.


Each of us is ultimately responsible for holding ourselves personally accountable to comply with the Social Agreement. Individuals who repeatedly or significantly violate the terms of this Social Agreement may be subject to disciplinary action by the College.


All members of the campus community are asked to make the following commitments:

I will…

  • Agree to follow public health guidance and College policy regarding vaccinations, personal hygiene, and other directions. This includes any temporary measures regarding masking, dining, gatherings, quarantine and isolation, or similar that may be put in place during times of increased community transmission.
  • Actively monitor my personal health, and not physically attend class, access campus facilities, or attend campus functions if I feel unwell, or am experiencing symptoms such as a fever of 100.4 or above, trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, loss of smell or taste, or fatigue.
  • Follow the guidance of Student Health Services, my Primary Care Physician, and/or other qualified medical professionals should I test positive for COVID-19, exhibit symptoms of such an illness, or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. In such a situation:
  • I will notify Student Health Services (students) immediately.
  • I will immediately complete a contact tracing form, if instructed to do so, and comply with all related requests.
  • I will return to active use of the physical campus only after I am cleared by a medical professional. 
  • Submit to testing as required by Student Health Services (students) or my Primary Care Provider (employees), regardless of whether or not I am exhibiting symptoms.
  • Respiratory Virus Guidance

    On 3/1/24, the CDC released its new COVID guidelines, shifting from the need to isolate for five days before returning to work or school to a more flexible period of isolation in line with symptoms. The new guidance brings a unified approach to addressing risks from a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, such as COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. The updated Respiratory Virus Guidance recommends people with respiratory virus symptoms, including COVID, stay home and away from others until at least 24 hours after both resolution of fever AND overall symptoms are getting

    better. This recommendation addresses the period of greatest infectiousness for most people, which is typically in the first few days of illness and when symptoms are the worst. This is similar to longstanding recommendations for other respiratory illnesses, including influenza.  

    In an effort to stay aligned with the CDC, 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 will now begin instituting these new respiratory virus guidelines, ending mandatory 5-day periods of isolation for COVID. See below for a summary. 

    • Stay home and away from others as much as possible (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have respiratory virus symptoms that cannot be explained by another cause.  

    • If an individual tests positive for COVID with symptoms, isolation is required until the individual is fever free without the use of medication for a period of 24 hours prior to returning to school.  On-campus students may isolate in place. 

    • If an individual tests positive for COVID with no symptoms, no isolation is required until and unless the individual develops related symptoms. If that should occur, then the individual must follow the isolation guidelines for those testing positive for COVID with symptoms.  

    • When an individual returns to normal activities (including asymptomatic positive individuals), additional precautions over the next 5 days are recommended, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors. This is especially important to protect people with factors that increase their risk of severe illness from respiratory viruses.

    Assumption of Risk Statement

    1. The health, safety and welfare of every member of the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 community is our highest priority.

    2. The measures taken to protect the community from COVID-19 will be informed by the most up-to-date advice from federal, state and local public health officials, and other public health experts

    3. No one, including 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网, can guarantee a COVID-19-free environment. It is simply not possible to do so. If you physically access the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 campus, there is a risk you could contract COVID-19. By coming on to campus, you indicate your acceptance of this risk

    4. Minimizing the risk of COVID-19 infections or any other spread of disease is a shared responsibility. All members of the community must do their part. In addition to basic hand hygiene (frequent washing and sanitizing) and respiratory etiquette (not coughing into one’s hand or in close proximity to others), this includes adhering to all measures that 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 deems appropriate such as wearing cloth face coverings, testing and isolating or quarantining when required. Your compliance is necessary not only for your own safety but for the safety of others.

    Follow the guidance of Student Health Services, my Primary Care Physician, and/or other qualified medical professionals should I test positive for influenza (flu) or any other infectious disease.