Academic Courses of Study
PreCollege courses are rigorous and taught by 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 faculty. Students who participate in one of the 2-week options will take one course of study, earning 1.5 college credits, with successful completion of their course. Students who participate in the 4-week option will take one course the first two weeks for 1.5 college credits, and another course the second two weeks for 1.5 college credits, earning 3 college credits total with successful completion of their course. Students who participate in the entire 4-week program cannot take the same course twice. While we try to place all students in their first choice course option, there are a few instances in which a student may be enrolled in their second or third choice option. Some popular courses fill to capacity quickly with rolling admission, or we may recommend a student take a different course to better fit their needs, or a course may not have enough enrollment to run. ?We will not make any course changes after the first day of classes. 

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The Office of Accessibility and Disability Services (ADS) supports students by providing equal access to educational opportunities to qualified students with documented disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. In order to request a disability accommodation, a student must submit an ?online request form?, along with ?supporting documentation that meets 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s guidelines?.

It’s important to note that accommodations at the post-secondary level can be very different than at the high school level. We prioritize an equitable and inclusive learning environment. We recognize and honor individual needs, and some accommodations outlined in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) may not be necessary given the nature of our program. Please note there are no exams, required readings, or lectures that require note-taking in PreCollege studio courses.

We remain committed to providing an individualized necessary support system where every student can thrive and succeed in their artistic journey!—the ?University of Rochester? does a good job outlining some of these differences. Additionally, students should note that tests are relatively rare in 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 PreCollege courses.  Accommodation requests should be submitted by May 15 and before the program start date. Requests submitted after this time may not be able to be implemented prior to the program start date. Any questions should be directed to the ADS (, 410-225-2416)

Grading & Transcripts
Students who complete the PreCollege program, could earn 3 undergraduate level credits for the 4-week program and 1.5 credits for the 2-week option upon final grade review. Students must earn an A, B or C in order to receive college credit. (Note that a C- is not considered eligible for earning credit) Faculty consider attendance, participation, and assignments when grading students. Official transcripts for the PreCollege program will show the final grade only and students may request transcripts beginning September 1st when they are available.
Request transcript

Schedule and Holidays
Students attend classes Monday through Friday from 9am until 4pm, with a 1 hour break for lunch. Students attend field trips, participate in workshops, social programming and academic lectures in the evenings and on weekends.

For the Independence Day holiday, classes and events will be held as scheduled. There will be a celebration, BBQ and activities and games after regularly scheduled academic components.

Required Studio Time
Students participate in  studio time on Wednesdays from 1 to 4pm, and Sundays from 12 noon until 4pm. Studio time is supervised by the PreCollege Teaching Assistant for each course, and is considered a required part of the course, and a valuable time to complete coursework. 

Field Trips
Students are expected to follow all rules and responsibilities throughout the entire program both on campus and off campus during field trips.  ?Students are responsible for meals while on the field trip, and we suggest bringing about $25 cash per meal.? (If there is financial hardship regarding this cost, you may request a boxed lunch for the student by emailing The weather on field trips can often be hot, as it is peak summer weather and students will be walking outdoors and indoors. We ask students to dress appropriately and travel with a reusable water bottle as well as communicate any health needs immediately to staff and faculty.

    • Decker Library Usage
      PreCollege students can access Decker Library during regular hours: Monday-Friday 1-4 pm. Books: 20 books for 35 days, books cannot be renewed, Film & Video Collection: Not available for PreCollege students. If an item is not returned within one month past its due date, it is considered lost. At that point, the borrower is charged the item's total replacement cost and a $25.00 processing fee per item. The library will also accept a new copy for all lost or damaged materials in lieu of the replacement cost.


  • Materials and Supplies
    Students will receive a supply list on their first day of class as part of their syllabus. We suggest that students bring any art supplies they already own, but wait to purchase additional supplies until their first day of class. While supplies range significantly in cost depending on the course, we recommend between $300 and $500 per course. Most purchases would be at the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 College Store, and can be paid for with cash, credit or a student’s 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网rd flex account. Some courses may require off campus purchases, where cash or credit would be used. A few courses may have a materials fee to cover shared supplies, such as chemicals.
    Scholarship awards may ?not? be used towards any materials.

    澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Store Hours for PreCollege
    Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm (July 4 9am-12noon)
    Extended hours Friday July 12 and July 26

  • Audio/Visual Equipment Usage
    Students may use their 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 ID to check out audio/visual equipment from the Tech Desk in the Art and Tech Center on campus. The tech desk is the main technology checkout on 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 campus available to staff, faculty, and students. Checkouts last for 48 hours from the time of checkout. Limited extended checkouts are made over the weekend because of the days we are closed. If the campus is closed due to weather or other extenuating circumstances you will have an additional 24 hours after the campus is reopened to return equipment. Renewals on equipment need to be made in person, at the tech desk, with the equipment brought back. They do not offer renewals over the phone or by email and it is the individual’s responsibility to make sure the equipment gets back on time. For any late equipment our fine policy is $5 per hour it’s late with a cap of $20 a day. Any equipment that goes 10 days past due is reported missing and a fine of $200 + 10% of the purchase price or the item(s) will be billed to the individual. Fines do not need to be paid immediately, however a fine at the Tech Desk creates a hold across campus at other checkout centers that prevent you from renting out equipment. There is no limit to the number of items one can check out, however individuals cannot check out multiples of any specific items. An individual could check out three different types of cameras, however they cannot checkout three of the same cameras.

  • Undergraduate Admissions Portfolio Review
    All students will participate in a 15-20 minute portfolio review with a 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Undergraduate Admission Counselor during the last week of their program. This is a great opportunity to get feedback on artwork and to meet a 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 representative.

  • Faculty Recommendations for Scholarship
    Each summer the PreCollege faculty have the opportunity to recommend students for a specific PreCollege scholarship to Undergraduate Studies! If nominated, students will be contacted directly by the Office of Undergraduate Studies.