Baltimore + Undergraduate Students

Advantages for Students

Baltimore is a great college town. With 13 colleges, 120,000 students, quirky culture, cool companies—this is a great place to get a great education and make a life.

Charm City

Affectionately known as “Charm City,” Baltimore is also home to three world-famous art museums, The National Aquarium, a world-class symphony, and two championship sports teams—Orioles and Ravens. Baltimore has the sophistication and amenities of a major city, but the neighborly feel of a town. With over 250 neighborhoods, no two are alike. We have much to offer in history, culture, and food. Get to know the authentic cultures of Little Italy, Greektown, Koreatown, and Spanishtown. Take a quick photo tour on Live Baltimore.

There are all-night diners, avant-garde theaters, independent film festivals, ethnic restaurants, locavore cafés, family-friendly open-air concerts and movies, farmers’ markets, vintage kitsch, gritty clubs, and John Waters. Buy groceries fresh from one of many city markets—including Lexington Market, the oldest continuously operating city market in the country—or directly from a street vendor’s pony-drawn cart. A brisk walk through Baltimore’s business district will take you from Trinacria, a one-of-a-kind, century-old, family-run Italian grocery, to a gleaming new Whole Foods tucked among the high-rises of Harbor East.

Baltimore Collegetown

Baltimore Collegetown connects you with students who’ve chosen to study in the area. The consortium of 13 local colleges and universities offers an online event calendar with special student discounts. Plus you can take courses, attend lectures, performances, and use the libraries at these other outstanding educational institutions.