Date: May 5, 2017
To: 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Community
From: Co-Chairs of the Presidential Task Force on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Globalization
- Samuel Hoi, President
- Clyde Johnson, Assistant Dean for Diversity and Intercultural Development
- Colette Veasey-Cullors, Chair, Photography Department
Re: Updates from the Presidential Task Force on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Globalization
We write to update you on the efforts of the Presidential Task Force on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Globalization (Task Force) as it is winding down Year Two and nearing the end of its work. All related materials to the Task Force are available at this dedicated website -
The efforts of the Task Force during this academic year have built on the foundation of its work in 2015 - 2016 as detailed in this report. A few highlights from this current year's work are as follows:
- Aligned the recommendations from the October 2016 Diversity Audit Report with those of the July 2015 Power & Equity Forum recommendations. This goal of this alignment is to ensure that the final recommendations of the Task Force will fully consider and coordinate with the ideas and priorities from these two important campus efforts.
- Reviewed 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网's Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) with a diversity, equity, inclusion, and globalization (DEIG) lens to propose language to reinforce DEIG, as well as community engagement, elements. The goal of this examination is to guide DEIG curricular and co-curricular adherence from the highest level of the College's educational commitments
. Traine d search committees to implement best DEIG practices for hiring policies. E.g., Hiring guidelines and faculty job descriptions have been revised to reflect DEIG goals; review ofdiversity of the applicant pool at various stages of the process is more intentional; and a protocol for following a consistent and equitable search & hiring process has been added. Th e launch of the Making Democracy platform that advances 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网's Core Values by developing programs surrounding themes of democratic practice, civic action, freedom of expression, immigration, equity, citizenship, information literacy, the public good, and the role of art and design in moments of change and upheaval.
The five sub-committees in 2015 - 2016 were streamlined into three sub-committees in 2016 - 2017: Vision & Accountability, Structuralization & Development, and Programming & Engagement. All three groups are working on their final work reports and recommendations. They will be posted to the dedicated website by May 19.
Over the summer, we as co-chairs will work with a sub-group of the Task Force to compile these committee reports, review their content, prioritize their recommendations with associated actions, and shape a final report to be shared with the campus community in September 2017.
This final report will offer, as promised in the College's February 26,
The Task Force is committed to fulfill its charge and deliver a defined