澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s DNA

MOSAIC Center for Diversity, Equity & Community

Making 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 an Open, Supportive, Accessible and Inclusive Community (MOSAIC)

The Mosaic Center for Diversity, Equity & Community (MOSAIC) is a newly created center located at 1210 W. Mount Royal Ave., that includes Community Art & Service and Culture & Identity. MOSAIC plays a vital role in developing and implementing programs/initiatives that promote a thriving diverse, equitable, and inclusive community. We are committed to a community where students and employees succeed, inclusive excellence is advanced, and global and civic engagement is championed.

MOSAIC provides strategic leadership for the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 community (faculty, staff & students) in developing a comprehensive institutional framework. This framework focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion, and globalization while introducing emerging practices to move the institution forward in becoming a more welcoming and inclusive learning and working environment for all.

We are dedicated to supporting a diverse student body and the development of student identities at 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网. Through workshops, mentorship, partnerships with the Baltimore community, and leadership, we provide students with the space and resources to thrive as artists, students, and citizens of the world. MOSAIC is leading in the community by building strong relationships with the local creative communities, neighborhoods and regional organizations in a manner which builds inclusive and substantive partnerships.

Community & Civic Engagement

Community Art & Service

Community Art & Service (CAS) coordinates community-based learning and engagement opportunities for the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Community inclusive of students, staff, faculty & alumni.

Culture & Identity

Culture & Identity (C&I) bases its philosophy on inclusion and fostering recognition and respect for the voices of all students. Throughout the year there are a variety of opportunities including educational and social activities that are planned and tailored to promote the improvement of academic success and graduation rates of artists of color.

Contact Us

MOSAIC Center for Diversity, Equity & Community


1210 W Mount Royal Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217
