Graduate Programs

Filmmaking (MFA)

澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s MFA in Filmmaking prepares the next generation filmmaker to enter and sustain in a field that has expanded beyond Los Angeles, beyond New York and is energized by the Cinematic Culture of Baltimore.

Cinema is a global artform that evokes meaning and purpose in the viewer. We, 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s MFA Filmmaking Community are committed to exploring this meaning and purpose with a critical lens, courageous hearts, and by deconstructing the unconscious bias imbued in the works and perspectives of our world. We value our rootedness in the cinematic culture of Baltimore as we focus on complete integration of people, place, and perspective informed by an educated awareness of past and present. We achieve this through the cinematic storytelling arts of narrative, non-fiction, experimental and all the nuanced spaces in between. We value process as important as product as we collaborate and crew to elevate each other’s voices through compelling cinematic storytelling.

In a world where corporate media can dominate, filmmakers with mobile phones and a computer can create a film that has sweeping impact. Thus, we train with both highly accessible and top-professional technologies so we are empowered to discern the tools that best serve the stories we are called to share with the world. At the core is naming the audiences we most want to connect with and for whom we are making our work. 

Program Overview

Through a hands-on curriculum and unique collaborations with the the Maryland Film Festival and the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Film and Media Program, 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s MFA in Filmmaking prepares students for sustainable careers in film and media.

MFA in Filmmaking students engage in a curriculum that integrates a broad understanding of cinematic history with diverse technical experience – from generating ideas and writing to production, editing, post-production and delivering a film to its intended audience.

Students add depth to their portfolios by producing a community-based, Baltimore-focused documentary during their first semester and a first year film of their choice during their second semester. During their second year, students create a courageous thesis film. 

These collaborative, hands-on experiences, combined with workshops, electives, and visiting filmmaker talks, allow students to learn the cinematic process as they also become knowledgeable about a variety of models to finance and produce films and reach audiences. 

Shared facilities with JHU's Film and Media Studies gives 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s MFA Filmmaking students access to faculty and resources from two world-class institutions, while the Maryland Film Festival offers programming that connects students with renowned filmmakers as they screen films, hold master classes or review thesis projects. Graduates of the program will be prepared to work in traditional film and media hubs and to create sustained filmmaking practices in non-traditional markets.

Who Should Apply

The MFA in Filmmaking program is appropriate for creative professionals or recent BFA graduates who want to deepen their filmmaking skills and who are prepared for a collaborative and immersive hands-on experience. Potential students could include, but are not limited to those with backgrounds in graphic design, environmental design, architecture, photography, digital media, music composition, public health, community arts and fine arts.

Farewell, My Son

Chib Onyemenem

Time & Temperature

Justin Foreman

Blank Canvas

MaoMao Zhao

Milo's Misfits

Will Bryson
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