澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 MA/MBA faculty are industry professionals who teach part-time. The teaching roster fluctuates between semesters. Below you will find a sample list of faculty.

Our MA/MBA faculty are thought-leaders, trailblazing what’s next in the business world and in the classroom.


Adam Richardson

Adam Richardson is Founder of The Enigma Bureau, focused on product and customer experience strategy, innovation, and user research. Adam spent 20 years working in both consulting and in-house roles in Silicon Valley, has written regularly for Harvard Business Review, and his book, Innovation X, came out in 2010.

Learn more about Adam Richardson

Jo Golden

Jo Golden is Service Design Lead at Fjord, a global design and innovation consultancy, based at the Accenture Federal Digital Studio in DC.

Learn more about Jo Golden

Kyle Bodt

Kyle Bodt is an 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Strategy Manager at KPMG LLP Design and Engineering. He supports clients across multiple industries providing strategic product design insight to motivate humans to engage with software more meaningfully.

Meg Kemp

Meg is a digital expert with 10 years experience in user research, UX design, human-centered design, service design, enterprise creative strategy, ICT4D, health tech, and digital advocacy.

Scott Snider

Scott Snider is co-founder of Generator, a creative consultancy for product development and marketing.