Phur (Fly) by Yunyi Dai + Enlarge
Phur (Fly) 2020 Digital illustration 11 x 17 inches
The Bigger Melon by Yunyi Dai + Enlarge
The Bigger Melon 2019 Digital illustration 20 x 14 inches
What's Faster than a Car by Yunyi Dai + Enlarge
What's Faster Than a Car 2019 Digital illustration 20 x 16 inches
It's Night by Yunyi Dai + Enlarge
It's Night 2020 Digital illustration 11 x 11 inches
Never Let Me Go by Yunyi Dai + Enlarge
Never Let Me Go 2019 Digital illustration 8 x 5 inches
Andy's Sunset by Yunyi Dai + Enlarge
Andy's Sunset 2019 Digital illustration
Babylon by Yunyi Dai + Enlarge
Babylon 2020 Digital illustration 100" x 14"

Yunyi Dai is a Chinese illustrator and designer based in Baltimore. She studied Illustration, Painting, Art History, and received her BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art (澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网). In China, she has interned at the Higher Education Press and the Welfare Institute Publishing House as a graphic designer from 2017 to 2018. In the US, she has traveled across the country with the NPR Next Generation Radio as the project Illustrator Intern in 2019.

As a storyteller and a visual solver, Yunyi is passionate about creating editorial and publishing illustrations. She wants to help people tell their stories through unique conceptual solutions. She is available for assignments locally and abroad.