Isolina Minjeong Alva

Future Foe! + Enlarge
Future Foe! 2020 Stoneware, glaze, oil paint, undies 2 x 2 x 5’
I was the Strongest Sperm! by Isolina Minjeong Alva + Enlarge
I was the Strongest Sperm! 2020 I was the Strongest Sperm! 4 x 4 x 6'
Little Whistler by Isolina Minjeong Alva + Enlarge
Little Whistler 2020 Photoshop collage / earthenware, textured spray paint 12 x 19 x 15"
TTeok! by Isolina Minjeong Alva + Enlarge
TTeok! 2020 Photoshop collage / earthenware, textured spray paint, raw slip 10 x 6 x 6”
Dabbed! by Isolina Minjeong Alva + Enlarge
Dabbed! 2020 Stoneware, textured spray paint 14 x 24 x 28"

Isolina Minjeong Alva is a Baltimore-based artist investigating the symbiotic friendship between maker and form! "City Folk" is a series of works that investigate displacement as photo collaged ceramic figures in digital environments. Through creating in an intuitive and tender state of mind, Isolina's figures become Little Woogies, ceramic protagonists who emit love & company! Exercising a freedom fueled by existential urgency and modern globalism, the works operate as trojan horses, celebrating figure sculpture as a soul-finding machine! Informed by their mom’s glorious American narrative since her move from Korea in ‘94! Her grit, humor, and love for all have synthesized into an art practice which Isolina uses to honor that journey! “The bigger I build, the more I love my mother & the more I love the world! What a God damn pleasure it is to be human!”