A short film about a single mother and her 11-year-old daughter wait who at a bus stop for a seemingly never coming bus. To pass the time they play a game of three wishes, if they could wish for anything in the world, what would they wish for? The wishes + Enlarge
Three Wishes 2020 1920 x 1080
Two people sitting on chairs on a road + Enlarge
Road Ahead 2020 Archival ink on chinese dupion silk 28” x 20”
Two people standing in front of corn stalks + Enlarge
Farm 2020 Archival ink on chinese dupion silk 16” x 23”
A person sitting in a recliner watching TV on a rooftop + Enlarge
TV 2020 Archival ink on Chinese dupion silk 19.5” x 29”
A man running in a field with a light shining on him + Enlarge
Best of Life 2020 Archival ink on Chinese dupion silk 22.5” x 33.5”

The most important and meaningful part of my work as a filmmaker and photographer is telling stories that empower underrepresented groups. Operating within the ranges of narrative film, experimental video, and photo, I create art about my own identity, telling stories from the perspectives of East-Asian Americans, queer women, and female robots in order to talk about themes of ethnicity, race, gender, and community.

My work highlights the absurdity of certain socially constructed gender roles and racial stereotypes, affording the audience space to contemplate, question, and critique the function of these tropes in identity formation and social relationships. My work is personal, and therefore it is essential for me to be directly involved in all aspects of the filmmaking process, from story-building and screenwriting to directing and editing.

When writing stories, I try to tap into those moments in which I’ve felt misunderstood, or encountered limitations, I ask myself what voices need more visibility, or what narratives could be approached from a different perspective. I focus on forming three-dimensional characters who, like myself, have been told how to live their entire lives but are given the chance to define themselves on their own terms. I aim for my work to speak truth to my experiences and trust that my vulnerability will resonate with others in the process.

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