Limbs of women emerging from a trash can resembling the American flag. + Enlarge
Disposable Women 2018 Collage 6"x6"
Portrait of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez + Enlarge
AOC 2019 Acrylic paint, gouache, newsprint, ink on wood panel 16"x20"
Woman laying, twisted on floor. + Enlarge
Feel It 2020 Ink, digital 9"x12"
Black and blue side profile of head with a yellow hunched figure within. Painted blue objects on inner yellow figure. + Enlarge
Self Portait i. 2020 MDF, acrylic paint, ink, nails, washers, found materials 6"x8"
Side profile of head with strokes of purples and blues. Rubber ring where an eye would be. + Enlarge
Self Portrait iii. 2020 MDF, acrylic pant, rubber ring 5"x6"
Self Portrait iv. + Enlarge
Self Portrait iv. 2020 MDF, acrylic paint, gouache, ink 6"x7"
Yellow side profile of head with various strokes within of dark and light blues. + Enlarge
Self Portrait ii. 2020 MDF, acrylic paint 5"x4"
Man at a cafe table, patrons behind him. + Enlarge
Amsterdam Journal 2019 Ink 3"x5"
Baseball hats embroidered with a pink rose. There is a circle overlapping the rose changing the colors. The hats are available in black, tan, pink, and baby blue. + Enlarge
Neo Rose Embroidered Hats 2020 Embroidered hat
Bust of a tattooed woman. + Enlarge
Unbothered 2020 Digital

As an artist my goal is to capture my experiences and the world around me in my own language. During my time at 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 I have experimented and exposed myself to a diverse range of expression through art. Through this experimentation I found various visual languages to share my world with others.

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