Apr. 05
Apr. 26

Taxonomy Lit Pop Up Show

April 5, 2022 – April 26, 2022
Decker Library
1401 W Mt Royal Ave

From April 5 - April 26, 2022, the Decker Library will be hosting the Taxonomy Lit Pop Up Show by 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 undergraduate senior Emma Wright '22.? ? Emma Wright, known professionally as Emma Mathewson, is a writer and illustrator from Virginia. She is a current Illustration Senior with a Creative Writing minor and enjoys employing narrative in any way possible within her work. Taxonomy Lit was started in the spring of 2021 while Mathewson was working on Full Bleed and was created as a theoretical niche publishing company of which Mathewson had full creative control. ? ? On April 5th, the show opens, and visitors can experience Taxonomy Lit as a full breathing space with imagined books, merchandise, and complementary pins. On April 9th, the reception will be open from 1-2:30pm and will allow visitors to purchase various Taxonomy paper products. Come read in the lamplight with us.?