Mar. 21
Apr. 15

A Lump of the Earth by Yan Wang

March 21, 2022 – April 15, 2022
Piano Gallery
140 W Lafayette Avenue
Relief Printing , 2020-2021, Yan Wang, Printmaking 2023'

The exhibition by Matthew Famularo will be on view from March 21 - April 15 in the Gateway Gallery. Join us for the opening reception March 25, 2022 from 5–7:00PM. Based out of the memories etched into me growing up, from a twisted, modified, romanticized perspective of the present, this selection of works is dedicated to paint the canvas of rural China, one-child policy, death, life, and what it all mean to us in the past two decades. After all, in our village here, everyone ends up a lump of the Earth. This is a Student Space Gallery exhibition. For more information about the SSG program and how to apply for a solo-exhibition, please visit /events-exhibitions/events-calendar/details/ssg-opening-reception-the-toy-store-by-matthew-famularo/2022-03-21/