BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66edb27f503f1 DTSTAMP:20240920T173559Z DESCRIPTION:Bmore Fabric Swap is held in conjunction with 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网&rsquo\;s Exhibition Design Seminar&rsquo\;s Exhibition: \; \;Transcending Tradition: The Art of Elizabeth Talford Scott\, and the 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Quilt Group. \; Hosted by 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 in Leidy Atrium\, Brown Center\, Bmore \;Fabric \;Swap \;is a semi-annual event that brings together members of Baltimore&rsquo\;s sewing community to destash\, restash\, and connect. Sewists can bring unwanted sewing materials and leave with new materials at no \;cost. The last \;swap\, hosted at Open Works\, drew over 70 attendees \;who \;swapped \;hundreds of pounds of \;fabric\, sewing patterns\, and sewing notions. In addition\, 81 pounds of \;fabric \;left over after the \;swap \;were donated to creative reuse center Scrap Bmore. The event draws sewists of all skill levels and is a highly-effective platform for spreading the word about resources to the creative community. \; Bmore \;Fabric \;Swap \;is organized by Baltimore sewists Laura Flamm\, Charlotte Hager\, and Loralee Tyson. To learn more\, check out the \;@BmoreFabricSwap \;instagram page. This event is free and open to the public. F.A.Q. What is a fabric swap?Sewists and crafters can bring unwanted sewing/craft materials and leave with new materials at no cost.What can I bring?Fabric of all kinds\, yarn\, thread\, patterns\, notions\, etc. Leftovers will be donated to \;@Scrap_Bmore \;and 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Fibers.Can I bring scraps smaller than 1 yard?For this swap yes! Please separate your >\;1 yard scraps and put them in a ziplock bag. Leftovers will be donated to 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 fibers (not recycled) so please make sure they are usable.What if I don&rsquo\;t have anything?Bring yourself! We want to create and nurture a sewing community for all skill levels. We have plenty of fabric to go around.Will there be parking?澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 has plenty of free street parking. Parking is also available in the Mosher Lot.What&rsquo\;s the Elizabeth Talford Scott Exhibition Community Celebration?The No Stone Left Unturned: The Elizabeth Talford Scott Initiative \;brings together five museums and four university sites across Baltimore City for a reunion of Talford Scott&rsquo\;s work from February through May 2024. Each venue had students from the participating colleges&mdash\;Coppin State University\, Johns Hopkins University\, 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网\, and Morgan State University&mdash\;working on a presentation of the artist&rsquo\;s work for their gallery spaces and organizing a free public program. The exhibition will be open late for everyone to see.How can I help?So glad you asked! We need volunteers on-site to help with set up\, welcoming\, and tear down. DM \;@bmorefabricswap \;for details and look out for a sign up on our stories.Will there be a raffle again?You betcha! If you want to donate something\, slide right into the \;@bmorefabricswap \;DMs.Did you say photo booth?Why yes we did.Odds of an after party at MRT?100% SUMMARY:BMORE Fabric Swap DTSTART:20240306T223000Z DTEND:20240307T010000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR