Dear 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Community,
As a follow-up to the April 6 email that outlined Zoom security updates, Zoom has introduced new host controls within the meeting interface that are vital to securing your meeting, especially when you are hosting large, external or public-facing meetings.
NEW FEATURE: When a host starts a meeting, on the bottom bar, there is a “Security” icon that hosts should review at the beginning of every meeting. Click on “Security” to confirm that there is no checkmark (unchecked) beside the “Share Screen” option to prevent Zoombombing. This setting reflects your “Host Share” only in your settings but is worth checking at the beginning of your meeting.
Keep in mind that when you update your settings, these new settings are not retroactively applied to meetings that you have already created and scheduled. Meetings can be updated through “Edit this Meeting”.
On this menu, you can also disallow chat, you can lock the meeting when your participants have gathered, and you can enable the waiting room to review and admit new participants.
As a reminder, in the Participants menu, when you start your meeting, remember to click on the “More” button.
The most important is to click OFF the checkmark beside the “Allow Participants to Unmute Themselves” -- this will disallow your participants from taking over the audio.
You can also turn off/on the other features listed.
On the Chat menu, when you start your meeting, it is highly recommended that you change the chat options so that participants can chat with “Host Only.”
This is especially important for large meetings or external meetings.