January 20 Campus Memo

Provides additional information around testing and the Social Agreement.

To: Faculty, Staff, Students
From: Student Affairs
Date: 1/20/21
Subject: 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Testing Program Updates

澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 Community Members —

We want to thank those of you who presented for COVID-19 testing yesterday, and hope that your visit went smoothly. Our staff report that our community members were in good spirits and that there was solid volume on day 1. We look forward to continuing working with this community as we manage and fine-tune our on-campus testing program.

With the experience of this first day, and hearing the most commonly asked questions, we wanted to provide you with a few short reminders and updates to help ensure all goes smoothly in the coming days and weeks.

What if I have a conflict with my designated testing day and time? 

The testing team expects to encounter scheduling conflicts so we ask that everyone plan to attend as close to their designated day and time as possible. If you would be able to attend before or after your assigned time on the same day, that would be preferable. If not, you may attend on a different day and time but please note that there may be delays as the testing team works to accommodate all participants in a safe manner.

Under any scenario, individuals accessing campus weekly must be tested weekly.

How are community members pre-registered for testing?

Community members who signed the Social Agreement and who indicated on the Social Agreement their intent to engage campus on a regular basis, are automatically registered for testing. Those community members will receive an email from the University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute of Genome Sciences (IGS) providing the link to the MG Scanner App. You will use this App to register and document the collection of your sample each time you visit the testing site. Unfortunately, resources are not available to manage individual requests and the testing team respectfully asks that everyone follow this procedure for registration.

What if my plans have changed since signing the Agreement?

If your plans have changed since first completing the Social Agreement and you now expect to regularly engage campus, please submit another Social Agreement with your updated information. Please email studentaffairs@mica.edu to request a new Social Agreement and one will be sent to you. 

How do I get tested if I am coming to campus sporadically?

Individuals coming to campus infrequently, meaning less than once a week, but who will engage other community members while on campus are required to schedule those engagements far enough in advance that they can be registered for testing during the week leading up to their campus visit. Please contact Dr. Judith Kinney, Associate Vice President for Student Health and Wellness, at jkinney01@mica.edu to assist with your registration.

Those individuals with infrequent or occasional access to campus, defined as less than once a week, and who will have no contact with other community members while on campus are excluded from the mandatory weekly testing.

We hope this information is helpful, and look forward to working with you. Any questions about 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s testing program can be directed to studentaffairs@mica.edu.

Wishing you all the best,
Student Affairs