Graphic Design MFA Projects Stand Out at STA 100

Every year, the Society of Typographic Arts (STA) 100 show recognizes 100 greatest examples of typographic design excellence by professionals and students from around the world. In the recently announced 2022 STA 100, 19 projects from across 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s MFA in Graphic Design were selected.


Molane Hu ’23 | Lullaby Fest Identity

Alejandro Rovira ’23 | Back on Board Festival Identity

Drishti Khokhar ’23 | Mild High Festival Identity

Prateek Bisht ’23 | Taped Podfest Identity

Hui Zeng and ’23 Wang Yihao | Art Book Fair


Aumika Shetty ’23 | Viral Magazine

Megan Irwin ’22 | Artifacts of Memory (Thesis)

Molane Hu ’23 | Auspicious Belongings

Megan Irwin ’22 | Collecting Meaning

Xinran Zhou ’22 | Dwellville (Thesis)

Christina Chahyadi ’23 | Migratory Marvels

Jiazhao Chen ’23 | Seen Magazine


Richa Poddar ’22 | Copperblock Brand Shift

Bao Hu ’22 | Daily Brand Shift

Molane Hu ’23 | Trident Brand Shift


Christina Chahyadi ’23 | In the Long Run Biodiagram

Shuang Wu ’23 | Life Choices That Led Me to Graphic Design


Sara Austin ’23 | This Might Be the Place / Millennial Sans (Thesis)

Megan Irwin ’22 | Timestamp Typeface (Thesis)