Andrew Paul Keiper ’16 is a sound artist who—through installation, sound design and music—addresses themes including the legacy of nuclear weaponry, race and white supremacy in Baltimore, and the frontier between sound art and experimental music. He is a graduate of 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网’s Photographic and Electronic Media MFA program.
We recently asked Andrew to describe his experiences as a faculty member in 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网's Animation Department. You can read his answers below, and check out a gallery of his artwork.
What is it like being on the faculty at 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 after attending the College as a graduate student?
“When I started here as a grad student, I was struck by how special it felt to be at a place so devoted to making, thinking about and discussing art, and to be among a campus community intent on fostering that, from the admissions process onward with boundless warmth and enthusiasm. My experience as faculty has been much the same, and I marvel daily on the extraordinary creativity, supportiveness and inquisitiveness of my students.”
Tell us about your students. What are you most impressed with?
“澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网's students are always pushing forward, whether into new approaches within their media or into important and challenging conversations in the classroom. Every class brings moments of laughter, profundity, and wonder.”
What are our favorite parts about teaching?
“I have the great fortune of teaching both lower level classes and senior thesis, and so get to follow the work of my students all the way through the culmination of their time at 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网. It's wonderful to see the many small steps they take in process and concept gradually build into works that are more sophisticated and deeper than they could have imagined at the outset, and to see them begin to engage an audience with their work in galleries and screenings. Every spring leaves me excited for the fall semester to come, and the new exploration and learning I'll get to foster and encourage.”
READ Andrew's faculty bio.