Draw clothes for three paper dolls from different designers and themes. + Enlarge
Paper Dolls 01 2020 Digital
Draw clothes for three paper dolls from different designers and themes. + Enlarge
Paper Dolls 02 2020 Digital
Draw clothes for three paper dolls from different designers and themes. + Enlarge
Paper Dolls 03 2020 Digital
Illustration of people stays in their rooms. + Enlarge
People & Room 01 2020 Digital
Illustration of people stays in their rooms. + Enlarge
People & Room 02 2020 Digital
Illustration of people stays in their rooms. + Enlarge
People & Room 03 2020 Digital
Children's book about a penguin trying to find a place where near the sun. + Enlarge
Penguin's Sun Journey 01 2019 Digital
Children's book about a penguin trying to find a place where near the sun. + Enlarge
Penguin's Sun Journey 02 2019 Digital
Children's book about a penguin trying to find a place where near the sun. + Enlarge
Penguin's Sun Journey 03 2019 Digital
App for Kids video 2019 Digital
A cooking app for kids. (Animation) + Enlarge
App for Kids 01 2019 Digital
A cooking app for kids. (Animation) + Enlarge
App for Kids 02 2019 Digital
A cooking app for kids. (Animation) + Enlarge
App for Kids 03 2019 Digital
A small comic about my roommate's cat Suisui. + Enlarge
Boss Sui 01 2019 Digital
A small comic about my roommate's cat Suisui. + Enlarge
Boss Sui 02 2019 Digital
A small comic about my roommate's cat Suisui. + Enlarge
Boss Sui 03 2019 Digital
Illustrations of Tarot card case and lover card. + Enlarge
Tarot Card 01 2019 Digital
Illustrations of Tarot card case and lover card. + Enlarge
Tarot Card 02 2019 Digital
Illustrations of Tarot card case and lover card. + Enlarge
Tarot Card 03 2019 Digital
Two-page illustration about a night out with friends. + Enlarge
A Night 01 2020 Digital
Two-page illustration about a night out with friends. + Enlarge
A Night 02 2020 Digital

Hu He is an illustrator and freelance artist from China. She showed an interest in drawing in her childhood and has always been interested in fields of illustration, character design, etc.

The tone of her work is bright and warm, with themes that revolve around emotions, nature, and life. Children's illustration and concept art are her future study directions. Hu He is anticipated to graduate from 澳门金沙投注_任你博-官网 in 2021 with her BFA in illustration.

Illustration (BFA) Students