Graduate Emphasis

Curatorial Practice Emphasis Curriculum


Total credits required for an Emphasis in Curatorial Practice: 12.0

The following degree plan is for students entering in the 2021 - 22 academic year.


Course #


curatorial practice (graduate) emphasis Requirements
Complete 12.0 credits from the following courses:
Archive/Gallery/Museum Practice AH 395 3.0
Exhibition Development Seminar AH 405 (fall) and EX 405 (spring) 6.0
Intercultural Approaches to Curatorial Practice GLA 5800 3.0
Graduate Seminar in Curatorial Practice CP 6000 3.0
Design/Writing/Research CRT 5574 3.0
Critical Voices CRST 5525 3.0
Publishing Design GD 312 3.0
Advanced Publication Design GD 5512 3.0
Publication Culture HMST 5600 3.0

Office of Enrollment Services


The Bunting Center 1400 W. Mount Royal Ave. Baltimore, MD 21217